Falling out of Winter...
“I've learned to stop rushing things that need time to grow.”

I am so happy we're aren't freezing this week, hopefully the temperature will continue to climb. I know the weather is fickle but I have been asking nature to humor me at least for a week or so. I didnt run1 time last week! Ive been in the house, pinning my favorite New York Fashion Week looks. Follow me on Pinterest (link is on the right) to see what I've taking a liking to, like the southerners say lol. On to the clothes.
I have lots of love for this combination, mostly because of the scarf, but quite honestly the whole top half of me is full of items I wear all the time. The blazer, the belt, and my denim shirt. I love this ensemeble becuase its like FALLing out of winter. Olive + Pink is a go to cold weather combo for me and you can't really go wrong with a denim button down.
Sorry about this garage background again, I'm working on better destinations
What I’m wearing: Blazer (old), Amercian Eagle Denim button down (old, alternative HERE), Scarf (Handmade gift), Rewash Pants HERE, and Shoedazzle for my shoes and purse, both are old and sold out.

This is what i love. So chic. I'm going to try and recreate. Thanks for sharing!